
Design and Construction of a Wildfire Instrumentation System Using Networked Sensors

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        Collecting real time data from wildfires is important for life safety considerations, and allows predictive analysis of evolving fire behavior. One way to collect such data is to deploy sensors in the wild fire environment. FireBugs are small, wireless sensors (motes) based on TinyOS that self-organize into networks for collecting real time data in wild fire environments. The FireBug system combines state-of-the-art sensor hardware running TinyOS with standard, off-the-shelf World Wide Web and database technology for allowing users to rapidly deploy FireBugs and monitor network behavior.

The FireBug system is being developed as a part of Adaptive Real-Time Geoscience and Environmental Data Analysis, Modeling and Visualization grant from the National Science Foundation Information Technology Research initiative, award ITR/IM-0121693.
The Firebug Project is affiliated with the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS).